

Achim Achilles Gesellschaft für Bewegung mbH – Subtitling videos (Brendan Frazier, Rich Roll), translation of different calculators for nutritional and athletic purposes

GFE, Research Center for Global Food Security and Ecosystems, University of Hohenheim – Translation of funding applications concerning agricultural topics in the tropics

Hercules – Translating production information, social media postings and print material for an agricultural company

Jeunesse Global – Translation of the book by William Amzallag "Die Aussicht auf Unsterblichkeit" (The Promise of Immortality)

LifeExtension Europe – Translation of product descriptions regarding natural dietary supplements

Narayana Verlag – Copy-editing/translation of books related to nutrition, i.e. "Eat to Live" and "End of Dieting" by Joel Fuhrman, "Little House in the Suburbs" by Deanne Caswell and Daisy Siskins

Schlesinger Group Germany – Translation of Questionnaires Consumers/Medical/Pharma

Textworks Translations – Translation of scientific articles

Books I have translated


DGE (German Society for Nutrition) – Copy-editing brochures and guidebooks concerning i.e. "Eating and Drinking with Coeliac Disease", "Food Allergy and Neurodermatitis" amongst others

Global Food Summit – Short articles for a newsletter

HelloFresh CH – Translating and editing recipes für Cooking-boxes

Kompetenzzentrum für Ernährung (KErn) – Online editing (creation and entry of content, press releases)

MUNDO-DESIGN - Editing of the annual report 2015 and 2016 of the Ministry for Consumer Affairs and Food Safety of Low Saxony

schönereWelt! – Writing and posting blog articles, for example for this blog:  Schwanger? Null Promille!

Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung (SENCKENBERG World of Biodiversity) – Copy-editing of the annual report